my name is margaret riaz and i am a teacher in san francisco and i am an employee. i am here to officially request that the partners act in compliance with the education code form and evaluation committee. there is a need for staff members to have a committee to appeal when an employee believes that the evaluation process is being abused. the current grievance process is not serving the product -- the purpose. i can assure you the person makes rulings on grievances the director of labour relations and to the party director and a person in hr that i don't even know were all involved and blind cced during my 2016-2017 evaluation process. how can labour relations make a ruling on an evaluation grievance if she herself were part of the evaluation? i am here to appeal to the board to allow staff members to have an outside labour advocate who is not part of the sfusd partnership. be a part of the evaluation process if that staff member chooses. i'm here to appeal to the board to make it mandatory for evaluators and administrators to sign evaluations under penalty of perju