joining margaret sullivan is dr. joan donovan, a leading public scholar and disinformation researcher specializing in media media manipulation political movements, critical internet studies, and online extremism. dr. donovan is the research director of the harvard kennedy school. shorenstein center on media, politics and public, and the director. the technology and social, social project. she is coauthor of the book memoirs the untold story of the online battles upending democracy in america. and her research can be found in several academic peer review journals. she's a columnist at mit technology review and a regular contributor to the new york times, the guardian, npr and pbs. tonight, they discussing sullivan's new book, newsroom confidential, charles kaser from the guardian called a beguiling memoir. and journalist katie couric said margaret sullivan's, perspective on our increasingly cook-off in its media ecosystem is invaluable by dealing her personal and professional experiences. and this lies an engaging mem