hard clams, ditto, but there are fresh water clams that are quite useful, including margarita feria which occasionally produces fresh water pearls. they are not real common in virginia. if you want to get lots of pearls from that kind of clan, you need to go up a little schuylkill river or northward nowada nowadays. you can see as you go farther away from the mouth of the bay, and also up into higher ground, the waters are fresher. and there you can get other things like really useful marsh plants that i will return to. but there's a lot of variety. lots of variety. and it all produces stuff that can be used. this shows you the major shellfish areas. this, by the way, comes from the national park service, cartgraphers drawings, and when uva press saw them, they said, oh, too colorful, we lose prestige. and they published the book with really yukky colors. in my lectures, i still use john wolf's original maps, thank you very much. but this shows you where the fish are, where the oysters and the clams are. and by the way, the oysters and the hard shell clams used to go up higher. sea water