bailli is the mical director, margarita iso usesed psdymic principl. would y at depression was real nnly the angetued inward, buit was theest of the conict between her ger, heaggression e husband,and soher confliing e, io and dependency on the hband that creates a cflict whic, for the pat, unresolvable and results in thejust psychologilly ving up, and that's t clinical manifestation of depression. focuseson the identifation of thiagessive impulse and thdetandin of how it's being rechneled and nflicted so twh the patnt understands atin a more clear wa e's able toaccehe feengand unded that it's appropriate and human feeling and doest meanthe feengand unded she will deprive herte of that dependency object. today, iaddition to psychodynamic psychotherapy, the are meew short-terpsychothe. right. different individualsnees and even different types of psychotherapy. we talk about psychotherapy as if it's one thing, but there are many different types of psychotherapy. not everybody should have psychoanalytic psychotherapy that has a depression. some people need