marge putnam was shot by her husband of 38 years after she decided to leave him. >> i think she probably thought she had reached the point where she was strong enough to stand up to him. years, earlier years, i think she did whatever he wanted her to do. >> marge's family says the controlling behavior had gone on for decades behind closed doors >> you get in this small community where you have this one person that is doing everything right and even though at home he's either physically or mentally or emotionally abusing his wife, nobody is going to look at that. >> there's a tendency too to not mind anybody else's business. you know, "that's not my business. if that's what they want to do over there, well, as long as it doesn't affect me, that's ok." >> we begin to go out into the community, and we begin talking about domestic violence and that began to change the mindset. folks begin to open their hearts. and in about nine months people in okonee county gave over 1 million dollars so that okonee county can have a shelter for victims of domestic violence. >> it will be the first safe hou