now to discuss is jane newton-small, the author of the piece i mentioned in the observing and margie o'mearayou wrote about project grow. tell bus that. >> the republicans started in june this project that would essentially help primary candidates, women running in primaries to sort of get through their primaries because one of the biggest challenges for republican women is getting through the primaries. it takes almost more than half of those candidates out every cycle. they need a little bit more extra help than the men. but they also were recruiting and they've actually man paged recruit one third last cycle when they had no help whatsoever. >> there a number of polls that suggest women voters have an unfavorable view of the gop and they don't think they represent their concerns. so if you look at sort of where women are coming from and how they perceive the gop, it doesn't seem so surprising to me they wouldn't necessarily want to run as a republican. >> it looks like project grow had a little bit of a brown thumb. it's not just because of a recruiting fail, it's also because the policie