lives easier but when the internal combustion engine was developed in the 19th century no one even margit the air pollution on serious health issues it will be later that his white many you know they just call me to the finding radio wave machines. when these innovations help to counter of climate change then waits to see for yourself. we that corn husks aren't uncommon in ground are these days because drought has lasted months and they increasingly extreme weather threatens the libel hood's of local farmers especially those in the eastern part of the country who are not quote could be attributed it's apparent that climate change is real and increasingly dangerous the farming seasons that people are used to are not longer predictable at times it trains will one expected drought route instead of rains it's confusing you can't just farm and have hope over having harvest i would even bring issues in when you aren't a couple why you 2 imperator is one family who has been fortunate during these hard times have filled me a river so she's been able to pump sufficient water to her crops. but they