good net company the owner of usa today newspaper professorial lecture at american university margot suskind and host of the big picture hong cooks joins us and then we'll be joined by michelle faller nasa scientist and avery haskell the c.e.o. of shuttle dot iow to talk about space and beyond i'll ask about the case for space cooperation among nations as we go to break here the numbers at the closing bell we'll be back in a flash. that entire collection of countries and regions that have been the main economic. players for decades now over time they're going to become this much more players of the world is going to evolve china india middle east africa. under certain scenarios they're going to represent about eighty percent of world g.d.p. at the end of the century and that scenario is where they do catch up in terms of productivity growth. when they came back from a. marijuana her was. cocaine methamphetamine so anything that's altering trying to get us out. that bad. use of the chemical that would be so. i want to be drinking and drinking ino new not just killing myself but. alcoholics dr