thought the photographs was in facial and he hired her worse to try to help all of these agricultural margret's. all of these agricultural migrants. so he took the photographs washington dc to the department of agriculture. they took one look at the photographs and she said we have to work in the project. in 1936 she worked for the farm security agency. >> host: how long was she with them? >> guest: she worked with them for several years through the fall of 1939. many of the enterprises occurred at this time. and during those years she worked like a jupiter. she may have been disabled, but she was a very strong woman and she was traveling through the major agricultural valleys of california and this is without air-conditioning where it's 120 degrees in the shade and she was sleeping in cheap motels on her u.s. government per diem. and she was happier than ever doing this work. she liked it so much more and i think her studio portrait photography has begun but it wasn't helping her to grow as a photographer, it was more of something that she was very good at. so if you look at that with all of h