elijah mcclain's killing, we go to denver, colorado, where e we're joined by his family's lawyer mari newmanher op-ed in the "denver post" is headlined, "colorado's police reform law will help rein in worst of law enforcement behavior." welcome to democracy now! it is good to have you with us, mari. if you can take us through once again what you understand and how it is possible that it is only almost a year later that the attorney general is now re-i-investigating this case and the officers are at work. what happened to him that night? >> you have given a great summary of whahat happened. you k know, it is really atrocis that it has taken almost a year for this case t to gain the kind of attenention that it should he gained immediately. back in november of last y year, we were standing on the stepspsf the menace of a building in aurora, colorado, demanding an independent ininvestigation, a all we heard w was crickets. of new mayorr was e elected aurora, mayor mike coffman, and even before he came intoo office he said his first order off busisiness would be to address this case. he did nothi