. >> 26-year-old maria baracova's body was recovered yesterday. melanie woodrow is live on the stanford campus melanie? >> reporter: they say she was one of the superstars on campus. her passion for research was matched by her passion for climbing. she was smiling in 2013 as she received her white coat at the stanford school of medicine. >> dr. charles prober first met her during orientation. her research was a combination of immunology and microbiology and engineering. >> it was aimed toward the prevention and treatment of complicated infections. >> outside of academics she spent as much time as she could rock climbing. >> this is something she cared deeply about. i learned that she was accepting an offer to go to utah versus accepting an offer going to stanford. >> balance ultimately guided her decisionful in her med student bio she wrote i found it important the current students i met were able to lead balanced lives and were encouraged to pursue interests outside academics. she was climbing with a partner when she lost her footing and fell 800