its eclectic clientele includes the wright brothers, opera star maria callas, and steve mcqueen, whoouple of breakout years selling mustangs and watches. and what is the brand? what does the image say? >> i think that the image of steve mcqueen is really the antimetrosexual. it's being sort of sophisticated and masculine without affectation. >> it's not clear whether the macho man would be happy modeling clothes for dolce & gabbana, but that decision now rests with his family. do you have a name for your deceased clients? >> delebs. >> delebs? >> delebs, yes. >> as in dead celebrity. >> correct. >> who's your biggest deleb? >> albert einstein. he's our number one man. >> bigger than marilyn monroe and james dean? >> huge, huge, the biggest in the world. albert einstein was time magazine's person of the century. >> every 12-year-old in the world recognizes his picture and instantly equates it with genius. and einstein's beneficiary, the hebrew university of jerusalem, has earned millions and millions of dollars from baby einstein videos and nike commercials featuring kobe bryant execu