commonsense approach, trying to bring all parties together, you've done a great job, working with maria cantwell, from the democrat, our side, state of washington findings, with a little bit of something for everybody. understanding that the energy policy should be an all-in energy policy. i know coming from a fossil fuel state and you come from a fossil fuel state and people think they can live without it, i just think they can live better with it if we use technology, and that's what we have tried to push in this piece of legislation. but on the opiate, i have a lot -- i just have a passion. i have watched it be so devastating. when you have young kids coming to you, telling you they watched their parents die, overdosed, they have watched their families ruin, they have watched their families split up and the kids have been taken in different directions, it makes your heart bleed and makes you think about future generations, what we're going to face. and then -- and then to have the food and drug administration give you one example, it took -- i have been working three years to get all opiates