course of that process, i was fortunate enough to have the initiative of than intern by the name of maria lee, who is in the house -- audience, to help with the logistics of pulling those meetings together. food, name tags, all those sorts of things, she was a major help with. again, we got the funding for much of the underwriting of these meetings from friends of city planning. one of the things that that grant helped us to provide was independent professional facilitation for these meetings. it was done by the community outreach program. not only did the community outreach program provide independent this occasion for these meetings, they also helped to design the meetings themselves so that they ensure the greatest level of public engagement possible, given the short time that we can actually ask the committee to participate in those meetings. so there were broken in to break out groups, and there were over of presentations and summaries, exit interviews were done. i know the commission has been looking at meaningful ways of public engagement. we had a presentation not long ago from staff