to quote to you what a nurse at a new york hospital told us on night.wshour last her name is maria lobifaroe's an i.c.u. nurse. she said, "i've worked on a weekend where we were reusing the same gown from nue e to nurse, me protective gown." she said, "when my shift finished, i had to pass that gown on to the next nurse." she talked about seeing pictures of nurses in other countries overseasho were protected, protected by something that looked like a dacesuit. whatyou say to individuals like miss lobifaro who want to know why the federal government hasn't done something to order that this kind of gear, masks and testing be done? >> well, what i would say to marie and to every one of our courageous healthcare rkers, especially in places like new york city, first and foremost, is tha thank you for at you've done to provide the level of care, even during this crisis, that any american family would, would hope for theiloved ones. they've truly done a remarkable job. but, but i can, i can assure her, whether it whether it be gowns, wheer it be face masks or, or protective equipment, that we, we