maria lorna is no stranger to state repression. she's been sentenced to prison and made to wear an electronic ankle bracelet. all of that for nothing. i mean, sometimes for my instagram boy, sometimes just for working the streets. so for just being myself, ah, at this point she no longer fears the stage. she's looked through too much for that . 10 years ago, pussy right storm the altar at moscow's christ, the savior cathedral bay stage to pass prayer in protest of vladimir putin and the power of the church. from that day on the collective became a thorn in the side of the russian state. the rests will follow to buy a show trial for their 41 seconds of resistance. the collective faced 7 years in prison after an international outcry and to campaign by amnesty international, the sentence was reduced to 2 years in a labor camp. their protests continued radical, unexpected, and illegal visits. and to day pussy arrive has gone global. there activists are impossible to contain anyone who is doing pussy right activities. pushy right, it's