and secretary maria portio from the academy of arts and sciences and our public relations officer (inaudible) and historian is jaeden brassil. >> thank you very much and welcome, wendy. >> let's move on to item e, parent advisory council report. the pac representative? good evening, commissioners. superintendent richard a. carranza and student delegates my name is john odonell, i have daughter who started middle school and i have advocated for her and joined. my first action was to represent our group with several other pac members and ruth gabrowski in a workship in early august. now to break the school to prison pipeline. we took this opportunity to inform the parents about the group and to select information through an ongoing survey that we have about communicating. pac at its first meeting of the year two weeks ago and various school districts. >> continue to work on is the practices. and to continue strengthens the information of our story of practices and the number of members have joined the pac because of this and so we are very excited to have more members involved in the project.