i'm maria renas. i'm part owner -- my husband and i are the owner of renas construction and electric, inc; and we were certified in 2006. we work with the city for 12 years now. we work with d.p.h., and muni, and we work as a general contractor for small business -- for small contracts and as subcontractors for big contracts. the 1 million is not even within our reach. [inaudible] >> -- so if you could help us get an exemption as an l.b.e., we are a minority small business enterprise. and also, with a -- and for our performance, i am proud to say that we have never caused of city any stoppage of work, and we always complete the work on time. so their statement of the stoppage and preventing any delay, this is not our record, so please help us. >> thank you. anymore members of the public? >> good evening, steven cornell. i'm here representing the polk district merchants. i just want to reemphasize what i heard up there from a couple of other speakers. i think it's ridiculous, if any legislation is for