i want to give thanks to maria sutton, our finance manager and alex, our budget director. i'm new. this is my seventh month and it's truly a team effort from top to bottom. and thank you. >> president buell: thank you very much, derek. may we get public comment and then we can see if commissioners have any comment. >> secretary: is there any public comment on this item? being none, public comment is closed. >> president buell: commissioner harrison. >> commissioner harrison: is there any projected savings from using the filtered water versus the fresh water in irrigating our parks? >> yeah. down the road there will be cost savings and efficiencies we will realize. we are still in talks with -- >> the answer is bye bye using less water we actually do save money. but reclaimed water, recycled water is not necessarily a cost savings yet because it's new technology and new processing. so, i don't think i expect us to achieve -- >> commissioner harrison: will it be even? >> i think it's a little too soon to tell, commissioner harrison. golden gate park won't be on line until 2021. it is