so i'm here in los angeles to meet with mariah lucas. she's 25 years old. she's got three kids. she actually lost her own mother when she was just a toddler. when you lose a parent at a young age, you're really just forced to piece together the memories based on stories or photographs or even just your own imagination. so she's planning on meeting with the man who actually took her mother's life, and i want to talk with her about what she hopes to get out of the whole conversation. you're a little girl, you lose your mom. it takes a lot to get to where you are, doesn't it? tell me more about that. >> i see the world as a very beautiful, colorful place, and i choose to be a positive person. >> where does that come from, given that you did not exactly have a colorful, happy place upbringing? >> honestly, i think it comes from knowing how bad it can be. say it out loud, buddy, so i can hear. >> heavenly father, thank you for this day. we thank you, jesus. dear god. bless this food. in the name of jesus christ, amen. >> amen. >> great job, nolan. >> he says the cutest prayers every