king's legacy with marian wright edelman, ben jealous of the n.a.a.c.p., and author taylor branch.nd we'll have the latest on the situation in syria. ,,,,,,,,,, the captioning on this program is provided as an independent service of caption max, which is solely responsible for the accurate and complete transcription of program content. cbs, its parent and affiliated companies, and their respective agents and divisions, are not responsible for the accuracy, or completeness of any transcription, or for any errors in transcription. closed captioning provided by cbs sports division ♪ >> the billy jean king national tennis center in flushing meadows, new york. it's arthur ash kids' day. smash hit single "moving on" recording artist fifth harmony ♪ ♪ ♪ i will ever be that girl again ♪ i'll never be that girl again ♪ no, oh oh ♪ wearin' in this ♪ but my heart is growing strong ♪ so call me, call where they arem not sure that we do. what if fsyria then decides they'll just retaliate by lobbing a few artillery shells into israel? i mean, this could set off a conflagration that goes across a