mariana chilton is here, too.she teaches public health at drexel university and is director of the center for hunger-free communities. she's also founder of witnesses to hunger, a group featured prominently in "a place at the table." in this excerpt from the film, we meet a rancher and a police officer in colorado, each struggling to make ends meet. believe it or not, they have to rely on the charitable food programs sponsored by the church of a local minister, pastor bob wilson. >> about a month ago we had three officers, including myself, but however, due to budget constraints, we're now down to just me. it was always kind of a prideful thing that i never needed anybody's help. unfortunately, i haven't received a pay raise in four years and what i used to spend on a month in groceries now gets me about two weeks. i have utilized pastor bob's food bank. the way it makes me feel, it's, it's very humiliating. well, i correct that, it's not humiliating, it's very grounding. the stereotype of food banks is always for