why he's so eager to put regular people into space and explore the depths of the ocean, like the marianna he said it's all about his way of doing business. >> i wouldn't recommend trying to think how can i make a lot of money. what i would recommend people do is think can i -- am i frustrated by the way something is being done and can i do it better than it's being done? i mean i was frustrated flying other people's airlines and felt, okay, maybe if we could get one secondhand 747 i can show people how it's done. if people like it, i'll get a second or a third and now we have whatever it is, 250 planes flying around the world. so i think a lot of the best businesses are born out of frustration where you think, screw it, i can do it better that other people. >> and you do believe that you can do good -- or actually you believe that you have to do good or do some sort of contribution to society to build a successful business. that's not just rhetoric and somebody who's very successful who has the luxury of saying that? >> no, the most important thing for a businessperson is survival when th