thousands of them already for planting marianna monty, a new explains how it's done. it's going to be simple. you place the sampling in the hole, then fill that with earth and check that the saplings firmly that it is. the f. check once more that it can't be pulled out of a great i'm still for the soft snow. 8000 saplings are due to be planted today. here on the outskirts of moscow. marianna munteanu asked for help online, and an army of volunteers has responded. she regularly invites members of the public to help air rushes forests of taking quite a beating in recent years. huge areas have been devastated by wildfires, pests like bark beetles pose a further challenge. russia has more forest than any other country. trees cover nearly half of this vast land as your items and more as i have been doing at this instant little town. there were terrible wildfires back then throughout the whole of russia. but it's, you know, i saw a picture of huge, well established trees being gun owners across the fields by the way, when they were breaking off like matchsticks teach people