beginning from vessels in first came here included familiar names, but it also included names such as mariano vallejo. this is what mission bay used to look like, filled with boats arriving and leaving with product and bounty. the next slide shows a picture from clay st. of ships arriving. people excited about getting to the gold rush. as time progressed, ships became a representation of what commercial sailing look like. also dock at hyde street is the alma, a working hate scowl, and you can see how different it looks. recent discoveries from the opening of chinese archives are reports from 1401 of eight chinese armada that arrived in san francisco, sailed up the sacramento river and then returned to china with news of their exciting discovery. this next map reflect key sailing clubs and recreation areas in san francisco, many of which offer you sailing programs. these include, as we just heard, the treasure island sailing center, south beach yacht club, mission creep, and also lake merced -- mission creek. the eastern waterfront is home to our youth sailing -- commissioner fong: i would like to ext