. >> and do you know what, mary, stay with us on that note because joining us on the cnbc news line is benjaminof new york state's department of financial services he's done a lot of work on bitcoin and he's a good friend of the show. thanks for being with us from basel, do you think a closure of mt. gox going offline actually does anything to alter the trajectory of bitcoin and the legitimacy of the virtual currency? >> good to be with you. thanks for having me. i think the question is, is this, you know, a continuing of the shaking out of a fledgling industry. and my gut is that's part of what you're seeing here. it's a new industry. it's obviously not regulated in any significant way yet. and thus to the extent there are those who were not doing what they're supposed to be doing or that might get involved in the industry for the wrong reasons, i think as the industry grows and becomes more ubiquitous and i think as regulators get more involved, you will see the -- those who want to right, thrivi, and those who don't falling away. i think you may be seeing that. i don't think it's a -- it may