marie katzenbach was a vice president of the new jersey convention.he said, "hold your convention at the state university." i said, "we don't have a state university; we have something called the alaska agricultural college and school of mines." she said, "well, hold it there instead of in the capitol because the capitol has entrenched lobbying interests, and they will be lobbying for their pet projects. and you go to the university, you'll have a library facility, and it's a much better scene." >> narrator: before the end of the 1955 territorial legislative session, stewart had drafted a final version of a bill proposing a constitutional convention that would take place at the university of alaska in fairbanks. the bill included an innovative method for electing the delegates that would sidestep the original gold rush-era rules that divided alaska into four enormous and awkward districts for elections. >> i was determined, as well as other committee members, that we needed to have broad representation at the convention. so we had to conjure up some s