each known as marie leveau. >> they were good catholics. they were married and buried within the catholic traditions. >> and there are other similarities, she says. >> catholics have a lot of saints. they lose something, so they have a saint for losing something. they have a saint for battered women. whatever you want, there's a saint that will specifically help you. >> in voodoo they're called spirits. the spirits of ancestors. >> there are all these myriad spirits that are really intermediaries, and first i should say that there is a supreme dee et in voodoo. there's a god. but in between god and humanity are these thousands of spirits. maybe one time you're possessed by the warrior spirit and another time you're possessed by another spirit and you see the world through rose colored glasses. when i look at voodoo, i see this is a group of spirits that are there to help us in everyday life. >> karen jeffries moved to new orleans after divorcing her husband, a lieutenant rutheran . she said she grew up in a fundamentalist home. >> christ is