. >> these days in madagascar's capital city it's left to mariette. >> the epitome of the cooking isre, you are like a sweet perfect bloom ♪ >> during the colonial period, mariette was a frequent colonial -- culinary ambassador. ♪ you are like the sun on my skin ♪ >> harry bellefonte. >> the go-to chef for visiting presidents and royalty. [ speaking in a foreign language ] the success story -- her mansion high atop oatville, the former neighborhood of choice for aristocrats and colonizers alike. though semi-retired, mariette continues to entertain guests from time to time. >> so this is broth with chicken and ginger. >> these dishes marry mostly disappeared cuisine with the techniques and training of classical french. >> so moisten the rice with the broth? >> exactly. moisten the rice with the broth. >> wow, look at this. >> it is one of the side dishes. it's like a salad. string beans. most of us don't eat meat at every meal. most would eat rice broth with vegetables and that's meat once a week. >> i'd do fine. >> yeah, absolutely. >> this is a country that is very rich in natural r