marija: we would be more constructive. we wouldn't be selling tech.ts of good quality plays. for us what is important is that uncertainty is huge. what do you want to have in the portfolio when uncertainty is huge? you want to have quality bets. where are the best earnings, the lowest leverage, the highest return on equity? all roads lead to tech. we need to wait for the end of this rout, for volatility to come down. what we saw a lot last year is that after the rout, investors came back to tech, so we expect something similar. tom: china tech trading at 18 times forward earnings, that is a 40% versus u.s. counterparts, are you adding china tech at this point? marija: we don't have specific holdings in china tech, but what we see in overall exposure to china and hong kong, investors have massive underway positions. that chimes with the story we are thinking about in the market. investors are squaring up those positions. in china, they are still big underweight, there is still more to add, so that trend continues for some time. but as i said, we are ve