marilee thorburn died at an omaha hospital on friday from injuries suffered in a two-vehicle crash last tuesday police. intersection of queen city police say say thornburn's car was struck in the intersection by a car driven by 21-year old dino alai of norfolk. thornburn was not wearing a seatbelt. a laurens, iowa man accused of leading police on a high-speed chase around spencer, iowa faces a long list of charges. spencer police say they pulled 31-year old blaine stockwell over for a seatbelt violation sunday afternoon. as the officer approached stockwell's pickup, police say he fled the scene. police say stockwell led officers on a pursuit through south spenceand eventually out into the county, where speeds topped 90 miles per hour. when the pickup went into a ditch, stockwell was quickly apprehended. including eluding, driving while barred, driving while revoked, driving while suspended and driving while cancelled, along with possession of meth. south dakota governor dennis daugaard has until tomorrow to decide whether to sign, or veto, a bill that would require transgender students