and then we're going to go to a wise, sage think tank representative, marilyn moon, who will give us some broader perspective on health care reform. even though there's probably controversy with obama care, we are going to have some time for question and answers. so with that, i would like to turn it over to christian and you have a choice to sit or come over to the podiump. if folks can hear, can everyone hear? great. thank you so much for that introduction and i'm delighted to be here to talk to folks today. as we talk about the future of the affordable care act, i wanted to start by rewinding a little bit and reminding everyone where we were in 2009 and 2010 when we were debating the affordable care act in congress and in the final months before passage of the bill. at that moment in history there were 50 million people who were uninsured and millions more were joining their ranks. people who didn't have health insurance through their job faced a messy patchwork of public and private programs, pseudo insurance products like minni meds and drug discount cards. for the sick ssdi, tw