and marilyn watson of blackrock. minutes on something i try to avoid like the plague. reporter with crypto comments, alastair marsh. you look the part. what is the difference this time in the collapse of bitcoin? what is different this time around? >> if you speak to the bitcoin diehards, nothing different in the sense that a 7% klein from -- 70% decline from the highs of last year to the 6000 level now, we have seen that kind of volatility before. in any other kind of market, you think that inflows and would be the end -- implosion would be the end and funds would shut down and the end of the world scenarios discussed. but actually you see a consolidation, people say tourists are leaving and it is time for people to get down to work. bitcoin is only on the way up. a number of signals to suggest that is the case with the potential for an etf and the growing institutionalization of the market. francine: there are true believers in bitcoin, do they still believe it or have a turned? that would be psychologically a big