judge viktor barsuk's husband, according to zmi, works in the office oligarch marina barsuk has repeatedlyourt cases regarding kolomoiskyi's business. in particular, in 2022, the panel of judges, which included barsuk, left. in force of collection from the state budget of almost uah 2 million in favor of ukrnafta. barsuk was also a member of the panel of judges who considered the case of the alienation of 40% of shares in the poltava mining and processing plant. plant at the international company ferekspa for the benefit of the former owners. these are four offshore companies associated with kolomoisky and his russian associates. acting deputy chairman of the russian state duma oleksandr babakov and president of the central sports club of the russian army yevhen giner. the ukrainian state bureau of investigation directly called them the leaders of the organized criminal group archers. if a judge plays a wedding for millions of dollars, it would be an ethical violation in any civilized country. on the oligarch, even more so the oligarch, in whose interests the judge made the decision, espec