economy will eventually be worth marina horton i r.t. new york. coming to you live from moscow now a worrying parallels being drawn between president obama's politics towards iran and those of george bush's moves in iraq award winning writer seymour hersh has been following developments for years later he tells us here at r.t. why it can only lead to a dead. fear is based on the notion that you know that he has a bomb or is going to get a bomb soon that's ridiculous because every bit of evidence they have it from their own intelligence community. the people who probably know there's no weapons there we've known that for years we've been looking for years after years after years we support a sanctions program that's designed to stop the punishment is. aimed at stopping the iranians from doing something we know we know they're not doing for me and they wrote miracle the analogy between what they're doing with obama's doing with iran is very close to what bush and cheney the vice president and then did to iraq there is a lot of the punish they wanted