marina sergeevna makisha, nutritionist, member of the national association of dietetics and nutritionistsorning, let's go. let's start with a weed competition, in the bed of each plant there is a benefit hidden in the form of vitamins, your task is to find it faster than your opponent, who will be a volunteer from the sorrel and nettle teams, let you be the nettle, and you will be the sorrel for the sisters, ready, 1, 2 , 3, let's go, somewhere there is a root buried there, my god, look, we have the first nettle, iron in nettles, wow, yes, this, by the way, is a little- known fact, but nettles contain two daily norm of iron in 100 g. we remind you that plant iron is absorbed worse than iron from animal products , somewhere around 10-15% is absorbed, but due to such a high concentration from 100 grams of grapes we actually get, well, approximately as much as. from a piece of one-hundred-gram meat, how are you with nettles, naty? yes, i actually use nettle in salads, first thing, and even wash my hair very well, that’s exactly the nettle infusion, which means it protects against anemia, net