states and canada, local 38; plasterers, local 66; sheet metal workers, local 104; auto, marine and specialty painters, local 1176; teamsters, local 853; and automotive machinists, local 1414 (joint common craft >> and number three to the tentative agreement between the district and the international union of operating engineers, local 39 and at the present timive agreement and between the district and the service employees and international union. local 1021. >> moved and second. >> i see no public speakers for this item. and so, at this time, i would like to call on the superintendent to read the recommendation for each agreement. >> thank you. >> president norton, i would like to call on executive director carm elo scarloto to read the motion. >> thank you, superintendent. >> and board. >> so the recommendation for the tentative agreement between the district and the international bother hood of workers, has got the san francisco board conducts a public hearing and adopts it in the related public disclosure documents. >> are there any comments from the board on that agreement? >> i know. >> okay. >