without space and we have drilling. 244 wells have been drilled by this company drilling in the offshore area of iran's national drilling company and marine facilities engineering and construction worked hard here, and in the construction of the platform , iran shipbuilding and offshore industries complex company, abbreviated as izuku , is one of its subsidiary companies from 100% of the shares belonging to this primary issue. it was you that made us invest in the sea sector, with a large complex in bandar abbas, which allows the construction of huge vessels used in the country to small vessels, and in the offshore industry, the dogs that we use in this oil and gas industry. we have a lot of experience and 220 km of underwater pipelines have been created, both the gas transmission pipeline and diana , which is extracted from the well, and also the return line, where some of the products used in the production process return to the source twice as an auxiliary fluid in the process. the proton complex is used for more than 220 km, as i mentioned, four companies have been the main contractors in the refinery, iran's industrial projects management, which is 100% affiliated with thi