May 29, 2017
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marino can stand trial and face much more if convicted.roubling news. >> it's a letter from jamie. she wrote it the day after we got back from court. she's extremely upset. >> sandwiches, and that thing is mad heavy. >> former fiance will soon transfer to state prison on three-year sentence for her involvement. >> she's basically done with me. she think i went against her in this case and triggered a lot of bad memories about things that happened during our relationship. it's a really, really bad letter. broke her heart and apparently she needs me more than she can ever love me. congratulations, you allowed us to be ripped apart. >> if you don't show up. >> though she was introduced to heroin, she also had a prior addiction to opioids now as she prepares for her first day in prison, her current thoughts are living with her boyfriend's mother. >> i don't want to teach her to lie. i can't explain it to her. i try to explain it to her and her terms, you know. i didn't tell her i was in jail. i told her i was in riverhead where people go when
marino can stand trial and face much more if convicted.roubling news. >> it's a letter from jamie. she wrote it the day after we got back from court. she's extremely upset. >> sandwiches, and that thing is mad heavy. >> former fiance will soon transfer to state prison on three-year sentence for her involvement. >> she's basically done with me. she think i went against her in this case and triggered a lot of bad memories about things that happened during our relationship....
May 22, 2017
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arrastrada por un leÓn marino: cÁmara captÓ el momento cuando un leÓn marino arrastra a una niÑa haciala ediciÓn de noticias univisiÓn 14 fin de semana. ramÓn: buenas noches, gracias por acompaÑarnos en noticias univisiÓn 14 fin de semana. el procuradora general de california enviÓ un mensaje a la comunidad inmigrante en estos tiempos de incertidumbre polÍtica y compartiÓ sus planes para proteger a las familias trabajadoras. beatrriz: buenas noches. los planes incluyen hacer todo lo posible segÚn la constituciÓn y las leyes para proteger a las comunidades california. a nivel de california el procurador general gabriel becerra ha definido su postura en torno al nuevo gobierno del presidente donald trump. >> en estemomento ocupa el puesto de presidente, asÍ que tiene mucho poder. yo trabajarÍa con esta administraciÓn, pero como no puedo, estoy listo para luchar. como hijo de inmigrantes vi lo que era trabajar bien. beatriz:el enfoque era mantener la seguridad en los vecindarios. >> no busquen ayuda de parte de california. beatriz:con recursos legales pueden salir al frente. >> aquÍ en ca
arrastrada por un leÓn marino: cÁmara captÓ el momento cuando un leÓn marino arrastra a una niÑa haciala ediciÓn de noticias univisiÓn 14 fin de semana. ramÓn: buenas noches, gracias por acompaÑarnos en noticias univisiÓn 14 fin de semana. el procuradora general de california enviÓ un mensaje a la comunidad inmigrante en estos tiempos de incertidumbre polÍtica y compartiÓ sus planes para proteger a las familias trabajadoras. beatrriz: buenas noches. los planes incluyen hacer todo...
May 23, 2017
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. >> pÁnico en el agua un gigantesco leÓn marino. >> se lanza al agua y consigue rescatarla, nosotrasso comienza ya. >> noticias telemundo con josÉ dÍaz-balart. >> hola ¿quÉ tal? muy buenas tardes, comenzamos en manchester, inglaterra, en donde una explosiÓn, causo 19 muertos y decenas de heridos. >> sucediÓ durante un concierto de la cantante ariana grande provocando el pÁnico y confusiÓn entre los asistentes que intentaban huir como podÍan, los reporte s el nÚmero de vÍctimas fatales fue por la estampida. >> las autoridades britÁnicas sospechan que fue un atentado terrorista causado por un terrorista suicida al finalizar el concierto. >> angie sandoval con los detalles. >> esa noche el caos se apoderÓ del estadio mÁs grande de europa, al menos 19 heridos y 50 heridos es el saldo de la explosiÓn que ocurrio poco antes de las 10:30 hora local en el noreste de inglaterra. >> miles de fanÁticos acababan de ver el concierto de ariana grande, que fue seguida de una estampida humana. >> escuchÉ un ruido muy fuerte, salÍ a muchos jÓvenes y niÑos sÓlos, tambiÉn el agente de policÍa. >> las au
. >> pÁnico en el agua un gigantesco leÓn marino. >> se lanza al agua y consigue rescatarla, nosotrasso comienza ya. >> noticias telemundo con josÉ dÍaz-balart. >> hola ¿quÉ tal? muy buenas tardes, comenzamos en manchester, inglaterra, en donde una explosiÓn, causo 19 muertos y decenas de heridos. >> sucediÓ durante un concierto de la cantante ariana grande provocando el pÁnico y confusiÓn entre los asistentes que intentaban huir como podÍan, los reporte...
May 22, 2017
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paola y otro accidente marino cobro la vida de un joven estrella del futbol...n perecio cuando practicaba el clavadismo en santa cruz.... take 2boxes melissa hernandez estuvo presente hoy en un juego de los earthquakes, donde le rindieron tributo ... melissa.... take melissa lot 00:00 00:15 00: 24 00:48 01:15 1:42 on camera as es paola a alejandro lo recuerdan como un joven talentoso y muy especial.... alguien que en vez de dar un apretn de manos siempre entregaba un abrazo. pkg hoy rodo la pelota en el estadio avaya en honor a alejandro lopez, un jugador de futbol de 17 aÑos quien perdi la vida la semana pasada.. juana ramirez madre de alejandro me deja a mi como madre un gran vaco pero una satisfaccin tambin por el hijo que me dio por un corto tiempo pero lo disfrutamos quienes conocan a alejandro lo describen como un ser diferente. roberto garca hermano de alejandro l era el corazn de la familia, todos somos especiales pero l era, tena algo mas especial, fue el mejor.. gabriel lopez hermano de alejandro siempre sonriente con la msica a todo en el carro y era
paola y otro accidente marino cobro la vida de un joven estrella del futbol...n perecio cuando practicaba el clavadismo en santa cruz.... take 2boxes melissa hernandez estuvo presente hoy en un juego de los earthquakes, donde le rindieron tributo ... melissa.... take melissa lot 00:00 00:15 00: 24 00:48 01:15 1:42 on camera as es paola a alejandro lo recuerdan como un joven talentoso y muy especial.... alguien que en vez de dar un apretn de manos siempre entregaba un abrazo. pkg hoy rodo la...
May 28, 2017
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ad lib top vo paola --bilogos marinos tratan de averiguar que mat a una ballena azul que qued varadacrecia live paola/vots --lo que le sucedio a esta ballena azul, varada en la costa del condado de marin, es un misterio.... take vo --los restos del animal, una especie en peligro de extincion, de 79 pies de largo fueron avistados ayer en la plata agate en el area de bolinas --cientificos del centro de mamiferos marinos estan recolectando muestras de su piel y tejidos grasos para realizarle pruebas y tratar de determinar la causa de su muerte.... lucrecia amigos tengan todos muy buenas tardes y sean cordialmente bienvenidos a noticiero telemundo 48 fin de semana. enseguida les comparto la informacion meteorologica del dia de hoy. como usted ve en su pantalla aqui tenemos las siguientes condiciones climatologicas: durante la manana tenemos: bajas temperaturas y nubosidad. para la tarde subira el termometro, permanecen las nubes. y para la noche esperamos temperaturas en los rangos de: 50's =============== como usted sabe en nuestra area geografica tenemos por lo menos cinco microclimas.
ad lib top vo paola --bilogos marinos tratan de averiguar que mat a una ballena azul que qued varadacrecia live paola/vots --lo que le sucedio a esta ballena azul, varada en la costa del condado de marin, es un misterio.... take vo --los restos del animal, una especie en peligro de extincion, de 79 pies de largo fueron avistados ayer en la plata agate en el area de bolinas --cientificos del centro de mamiferos marinos estan recolectando muestras de su piel y tejidos grasos para realizarle...
May 23, 2017
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pgina en internet, triple w punto telemundo 48 punto com y haga una bsqueda con las palabras lobo marinoil extranjeros ingresaron legalmaente a estados unidos en el 2016 se quedaron indocumentados. ---el departamento de seguridad nacional adivirtio que estar publicando peridicamente la lista de estas personas y advierte que buscar, arrestar y deportar a aquellos que dejaron expirar sus visas o estada permitida. cesar --- fue uno de sus pilares durante su campaÑa presidencial.repi tiendolo una y otra vez que iba a construir un muro por toda la frontera de estados unidos y mxico..pero en que consistiria la construccion de este proyecto?... ---valeria aponte nos tiene los detalles --- take pkg :01 :30 pkg sin dar explicacion alguna de como lo haria.pero ahora ya en la presidencia y enfocado en hacer esta promesa de campaÑa una realidad.los estados unidos podria comenzar a ver el desarrollo de esta meta del presidente donald trump.y sentir sus efectos.por eso nos dirgimos a la universidad de arizona para hablar con un profesor de ingenieria sobre en que constituye construir un proyecto de es
pgina en internet, triple w punto telemundo 48 punto com y haga una bsqueda con las palabras lobo marinoil extranjeros ingresaron legalmaente a estados unidos en el 2016 se quedaron indocumentados. ---el departamento de seguridad nacional adivirtio que estar publicando peridicamente la lista de estas personas y advierte que buscar, arrestar y deportar a aquellos que dejaron expirar sus visas o estada permitida. cesar --- fue uno de sus pilares durante su campaÑa presidencial.repi tiendolo una...
May 23, 2017
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. ♪ ♪ ♪ enrique: autoridades del muelle canadiense donde un leÓn marino atacÓ una niÑa dicen que los en la controversiaen la comunidad hispana cuando un hombre blanco en una silla de ruedas insultÓ a un hispano. vilma tiene la historia que se ha vuelto viral en las redes sociales. hÉctor torres estaba en el aro puerto de nevada hablando con su mamÁ, que es puertorriqueÑa. de repente, el hombre de la silla de ruedas, empezÓ a insultarlo por hablar en espaÑol. [habla en inglÉs] en el vÍdeo, que ha indignado muchos, el agresor le muestra el dedo del. -- midio le dice a mÍ que quÉ le parece muy triste su actitud. >> yo soy un hispano orgulloso. vilma: hÉctor torres le explica que en su familia tambiÉn hay veteranos. mike da por sentado que no hablan inglÉs. >> en ningÚn momento me dio miedo. quÉ es lo que le podÍa hacer algÚn tipoque ya habÍa perdido tanto. escuchaba todos los insultos metros hablaba con Él por telÉfono. los directivos enero puerto se disculparon con Él y el agresor no tuvo permitido abordar el vuelo. a pesar de estos insultos, en torno le quiso formular cargos. >> si le
. ♪ ♪ ♪ enrique: autoridades del muelle canadiense donde un leÓn marino atacÓ una niÑa dicen que los en la controversiaen la comunidad hispana cuando un hombre blanco en una silla de ruedas insultÓ a un hispano. vilma tiene la historia que se ha vuelto viral en las redes sociales. hÉctor torres estaba en el aro puerto de nevada hablando con su mamÁ, que es puertorriqueÑa. de repente, el hombre de la silla de ruedas, empezÓ a insultarlo por hablar en espaÑol. [habla en inglÉs] en...
May 30, 2017
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llegÓ al cargo, despuÉs de haberse graduado en la universidad de jaguar y haber participado como marinopedimos con imÁgenes de la conmemoraciÓn de memorial day, de los tomados presos por el enemigo de recordaciÓn de los caÍdos en las guerras. se hizo en el emblemÁtico monumento a losveterano de vietnam, tiene escrito los nobles de +58,000 soldados muertos en esa guerra entre los aÑos 1959 y 1975. llegamos al final de la emisiÓn, la noticia comienza alejadnra: llego el martes 30 de marzo y que saluda alejandra arce. gloribella: te tenemos toda la informaciÓn y el entretenimiento sÓlo para ti. alejandra: te imaginas un par de jeans a prueba de agua y que creÍan incorporar un cargador para tu telÉfono celular? en minutos los detalles. gloribella: verÓnica castro no asistiÓ a la
llegÓ al cargo, despuÉs de haberse graduado en la universidad de jaguar y haber participado como marinopedimos con imÁgenes de la conmemoraciÓn de memorial day, de los tomados presos por el enemigo de recordaciÓn de los caÍdos en las guerras. se hizo en el emblemÁtico monumento a losveterano de vietnam, tiene escrito los nobles de +58,000 soldados muertos en esa guerra entre los aÑos 1959 y 1975. llegamos al final de la emisiÓn, la noticia comienza alejadnra: llego el martes 30 de...
May 22, 2017
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yo no creo que el leÓn marino haya querido atacarla. no es su instinto.on comida por algo que creen que es un alimento entonces se lanzan como cualquier animal. alan: yo pensÉ que era el padre hugo el familiar porque ni la pensÓ. fueron dos segundos y se aventÓ. karla: lo interesante es que no la pensÓ y se lanzó. yo creo que la moraleja de la historia para todos los que somos padres que muchas veces hemos estado en este tipo de lugares y gente les decimos no le des comida y cuÁnta gente no hace caso. a los peces... cuantas veces hemos visto que hay seÑales en done dicen " no les des comidas a los peces". el susto fue espantoso. se pudo haber golpeado la cabeza... alan: ademÁs el agua estaba congelada. si no fuera por la reacciÓn de esta persona quien sabe lo que hubiera pasado. gracias a dios quedÓ en un susto captado en imagen. satcha: sin duda alguna. yo creo que tambiÉn causa impresiÓn esta grabación hÉctor torres de origen puertorriqueÑo que estÁ en el aeropuerto de nevada conversando por telÉfono en espaÑol con su madre y empieza este veterano de gu
yo no creo que el leÓn marino haya querido atacarla. no es su instinto.on comida por algo que creen que es un alimento entonces se lanzan como cualquier animal. alan: yo pensÉ que era el padre hugo el familiar porque ni la pensÓ. fueron dos segundos y se aventÓ. karla: lo interesante es que no la pensÓ y se lanzó. yo creo que la moraleja de la historia para todos los que somos padres que muchas veces hemos estado en este tipo de lugares y gente les decimos no le des comida y cuÁnta gente...
May 30, 2017
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llegÓ al cargo, despuÉs de haberse graduado en la universidad de jaguar y haber participado como marinoomenaje a macro quienes queremos más que datos ilimitados., queremos entretenimiento ilimitado. porque queremos suspenso ilimitado, ...ver deportes ilimitados, ...y drama ilimitado. pero también queremos más... como acceso ilimitado a hbo. ilimitado. no te conformes con cualquier plan de datos ilimitados. solo el plan at&t unlimited plus incluye hbo sin costo adicional. y llÉvate un increíble iphone 7 por nuestra cuenta. carlos alberto, ya he tomado mi decisión. maría esperanza. voy a hacer mi sueño realidad y pronto empezar a ganar dinero, para ayudar con los gastos de la casa. hija. en un colegio comunitario de california, puedes obtener un título o prepararte para transferirte a una universidad. yo también voy al colegio, contigo. toma el primero paso hacia una vida mejor sin tanto drama. visita icanaffordcollege.com hoy. >> esta noche nos despedimos con imÁgenes de la conmemoraciÓn de memorial day, de los tomados presos por el enemigo de recordaciÓn de los caÍdos en las guerras. se
llegÓ al cargo, despuÉs de haberse graduado en la universidad de jaguar y haber participado como marinoomenaje a macro quienes queremos más que datos ilimitados., queremos entretenimiento ilimitado. porque queremos suspenso ilimitado, ...ver deportes ilimitados, ...y drama ilimitado. pero también queremos más... como acceso ilimitado a hbo. ilimitado. no te conformes con cualquier plan de datos ilimitados. solo el plan at&t unlimited plus incluye hbo sin costo adicional. y llÉvate un...
May 19, 2017
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te cuento que es uno de los mamÍferos marinos mÁs pequeÑos del mundo.os aseguran que queda cerca de 30 ejemplares nada mÁs. quÉ hay detrÁs de todo esto? su muerte se debe en gran parte a la casa y legal -- caza ilegal de este pez.en asia el kilo ronda 50000,00 $. estas vacas marinas mueren atrapadas en las redes cuando estÁn pescando al pez. esto surgen las redes sociales a raÍz de un mensaje que leonardo di caprio le enviÓ al presidente de mÉxico, pidiendo que tomen cartas en el asunto. el presidente le contestÓ utilizando su twitter. diciendo que el gobierno habÍa dicho -- hecho lo que no se habÍa hecho durante dÉcadas para poder salvarla. lo siguiente va a ser la construcciÓn de un santuario en el golfo de california. estos animales van hacer protegidos de pescadores. es bien importante recalcar que si no se hace algo, para el 2018 esta especie va a desaparecer. javier: muchas gracias. seguimos con las noticias. antes queremos mandar un saludo muy grande. carolina: a eleanor que no se Ée de venezuela. javier: yo seguimos. ♪ javier: aprovechamos para
te cuento que es uno de los mamÍferos marinos mÁs pequeÑos del mundo.os aseguran que queda cerca de 30 ejemplares nada mÁs. quÉ hay detrÁs de todo esto? su muerte se debe en gran parte a la casa y legal -- caza ilegal de este pez.en asia el kilo ronda 50000,00 $. estas vacas marinas mueren atrapadas en las redes cuando estÁn pescando al pez. esto surgen las redes sociales a raÍz de un mensaje que leonardo di caprio le enviÓ al presidente de mÉxico, pidiendo que tomen cartas en el...
May 22, 2017
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earthquakes de san jos realizan un homenaje pstumo para un joven deportista hispano take vo/paola --un len marino
earthquakes de san jos realizan un homenaje pstumo para un joven deportista hispano take vo/paola --un len marino
May 22, 2017
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paola y un accidente marino cobro la vida de un joven estrella del futbol...cio cuando practicaba el clavadismo en santa cruz.... hoy los earthquakes le rindieron un homenaje. melissa hernandez nos cuenta... take pkg 00:00 00: 13 00:27 00:36 00:43 01:04 1:30 pkg hoy rodo la pelota en el estadio avaya en honor a alejandro lopez, un jugador de futbol de 17 aÑos quien perdi la vida la semana pasada.. juana ramirez madre de alejandro me deja a mi como madre un gran vaco pero una satisfaccin tambin por el hijo que me dio por un corto tiempo pero lo disfrutamos quienes conocan a alejandro lo describen como un ser diferente. roberto garca hermano de alejandro l era el corazn de la familia, todos somos especiales pero l era, tena algo mas especial, fue el mejor.. gabriel lopez hermano de alejandro siempre sonriente con la msica a todo en el carro y era mi mejor amigo.. bridge: alejandro perdi la vida al realizar un clavado en una playa de santa cruz. el joven entro al agua pero no sali... segn familiares, se demoraron entre 15 a 20 minutos para sacarlo del agua. despu
paola y un accidente marino cobro la vida de un joven estrella del futbol...cio cuando practicaba el clavadismo en santa cruz.... hoy los earthquakes le rindieron un homenaje. melissa hernandez nos cuenta... take pkg 00:00 00: 13 00:27 00:36 00:43 01:04 1:30 pkg hoy rodo la pelota en el estadio avaya en honor a alejandro lopez, un jugador de futbol de 17 aÑos quien perdi la vida la semana pasada.. juana ramirez madre de alejandro me deja a mi como madre un gran vaco pero una satisfaccin tambin...
May 3, 2017
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aproximadamente 3000 millones de piezas minÚsculas de residuos plÁsticos y es probable que haya mÁs en el fondo marinoos. reportera: uno de los hÉroes de este dramÁtico rescate, donde voluntarios logran sacar a estos bebÉs inconscientes, es el guatemalteco jaime martÍnez. se alcanza a ver el vÍdeo, el que se puede observar darle respiraciÓn boca a boca al bebÉ. jaime estuvo en la escena por cosas del azar. es mÚsico y ese dÍa iba camino a amenizar una fiesta de quinceaÑera. >> cuando vimos el accidente, yo nunca decidÍ bajarme de la camioneta, yo me tire del carro. reportera: cuando logra no sacar al bebÉ del automÓvil, jaime gritÓ que se lo entregara, porque sabÍa quÉ hacer, ya que habÍa sido bombero en su paÍs de origen. >> la volteo, le golpeÓ en sus pulmones, la pongo en la cabecera de una roca que habÍa, y empiezo hacerle masaje en el pecho y respiraciÓn boca a boca. allÍ sentimos la reacciÓn de la nena. reportera: tiene un nieto de la misma edad del que ayudÓ a salvar. >> cuando vi a la bebÉ, sentÍ que era mi nieta cito, tengo un nieto de tres meses. yo sentÍ que era Él, y no se puede ir, no se
aproximadamente 3000 millones de piezas minÚsculas de residuos plÁsticos y es probable que haya mÁs en el fondo marinoos. reportera: uno de los hÉroes de este dramÁtico rescate, donde voluntarios logran sacar a estos bebÉs inconscientes, es el guatemalteco jaime martÍnez. se alcanza a ver el vÍdeo, el que se puede observar darle respiraciÓn boca a boca al bebÉ. jaime estuvo en la escena por cosas del azar. es mÚsico y ese dÍa iba camino a amenizar una fiesta de quinceaÑera....
May 1, 2017
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and of course, one of our other originals, congressman tom marino. right? thank you, mike., tom. as you know, there's another big gathering taking place tonight in washington, d.c. did you hear about it? [crowd booing] president trump: a large group of hollywood actors and washington media are consoling ballroom in a hotel in our nation's capital right now. they are gathered together for the white house correspondents dinner without the president. [applause] and i could not be possibly be more thrilled than to be more than 100 miles away from spending 's swamp --, my evening with all of you and with a much, much larger crowd nd much better people. right? right. crowd chanting "u.s.a."] and look at the media back there. they would rather be here, i have to tell you. "crowd booing] hat's right. immediate yar outlets like cnn and msnbc are fake news. fake news. and they are sitting and wishing in washington. they are watching right now, and they would love to be with us right here tonight. but they are trapped at the dinner, which will be very, very boring. but next year, mayb
and of course, one of our other originals, congressman tom marino. right? thank you, mike., tom. as you know, there's another big gathering taking place tonight in washington, d.c. did you hear about it? [crowd booing] president trump: a large group of hollywood actors and washington media are consoling ballroom in a hotel in our nation's capital right now. they are gathered together for the white house correspondents dinner without the president. [applause] and i could not be possibly be more...
May 2, 2017
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. >> i'll be so angry at congressman kelly and congressman marino and all of our congressmen in thisif we don't get that damn thing passed quickly. >> reporter: that was just after he told dickerson he was actually in no rush. >> take your time. get the vote. make it perfect. >> reporter: his chief economic adviser delivered another mixed message on "cbs this morning". >> we'll get health care down on house to and convince them we have the votes. >> reporter: that came as news to releaders on capitol hill who have not scheduled a vote because they are not sure they have the support they need. cbs news has counted at least 20 republicans who would vote no at this point and republican leaders can only afford to lose the future of flying cube lot bumpier. >> flying through turbulence even for frequent flyersan nerve-racking. this is a simulator but for anyone who really flies turbulence can be getting worse out in the real world. we'll tell you why coming up on cbs "this morning". >> that's the "cbs morning news" for this tuesday. thanks for watching. i'm anne-marie green. have a great
. >> i'll be so angry at congressman kelly and congressman marino and all of our congressmen in thisif we don't get that damn thing passed quickly. >> reporter: that was just after he told dickerson he was actually in no rush. >> take your time. get the vote. make it perfect. >> reporter: his chief economic adviser delivered another mixed message on "cbs this morning". >> we'll get health care down on house to and convince them we have the votes. >>...
May 23, 2017
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. >> pÁnico en el agua un gigantesco leÓn marino. >> se lanza al agua y consigue rescatarla, nosotrass
. >> pÁnico en el agua un gigantesco leÓn marino. >> se lanza al agua y consigue rescatarla, nosotrass
May 17, 2017
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beware of mikhail marino. the hatchet man. he is a former intelligence agent, was tried and convicted of murder in 1987, though the corroborating documents from the court system are no longer available. he spent just two years in jail before being released. he was then immediately complicated in a second -- implicated in a second killing in 1989. he was a loyalist of hugo chavez and became a judge in the early 2000's. his career hit a snag. when he was removed from the bench for a grave error after removing two murder suspects against orders. the government handed him a new job as a diplomat. after a few years out of sight he was appointed supreme court justice in 2014 and in 2017 moreno not once but twice a killer was appointed the chief justice of the venezuelan supreme court. the venezuelan supreme court is run by a murderer. think about that. a convicted criminal is presiding over venezuela's supreme court. so it's no wonder that the court's members have acted as a rubber stamp for maduro's illegitimate power grabs and cre
beware of mikhail marino. the hatchet man. he is a former intelligence agent, was tried and convicted of murder in 1987, though the corroborating documents from the court system are no longer available. he spent just two years in jail before being released. he was then immediately complicated in a second -- implicated in a second killing in 1989. he was a loyalist of hugo chavez and became a judge in the early 2000's. his career hit a snag. when he was removed from the bench for a grave error...
May 18, 2017
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otherwise 65 for the embarcadero and 67 in the marino. 838 in santa rosa and 84 expected in napa.in, things are going to be getting hotter as we head throughout the upcoming weekend from high pressure getting even stronger. looks like it's going to reach its maximum strength once we hit sunday so an early preview of that does show us in concord up to 95 on sunday. san jose 90 and san francisco not as warm at 73 degrees. it could be the spot to be this weekend with the low to mid-70s and we'll cool off into early next week. for the inland valleys again, hottest weather as we head throughout sunday's forecast and 93 degrees. no 100s in the forecast and drop down to the 80s but next tuesday and wednesday. a longer look at this coming up at 6:00 p.m. >> we're prepared for the heat. you ready for this? >> thanks, jeff. >> fire beware. the warning about warriors playoffs are coming straight from the nba tonight. =rail= on our website--you can read president trump )s full response to tonight )s new development about the russia >>> happening now on the website read president trump's respo
otherwise 65 for the embarcadero and 67 in the marino. 838 in santa rosa and 84 expected in napa.in, things are going to be getting hotter as we head throughout the upcoming weekend from high pressure getting even stronger. looks like it's going to reach its maximum strength once we hit sunday so an early preview of that does show us in concord up to 95 on sunday. san jose 90 and san francisco not as warm at 73 degrees. it could be the spot to be this weekend with the low to mid-70s and we'll...
May 27, 2017
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wait for nats cont.vo/cesar --la niÑa que fue atacada y arrastrada al agua por un len marino est tomandoe de un peligrosa enfermedad bacterial. --y es que la pequeÑa termin con una pequeÑa herida superficial en la parte baja de su cuerpo generada por caer en la boca de ese animal. --segn expertos, la bacteria llamada "micoplasma", causa la enfermedad conocida como "el dedo de la foca". take vo / blanca ---incendio mortal, al menos 3 personas pierden la vida tras quedar atrapadas bajo el intenso fuego en un complejo de apartamentos. take vo / cesar --- cmo dios lo trajo al mundo, un osado ladrn no tiene que esconderle nada a las autoridades y sale a cometer sus fechoras completamente desnudo --- vo/blanca s o una compaÑa de lakeland, en florida. --las autoridades dieron a conocer las imgenes tratando de localizar una escultura de cisne con un valor de 25-mil dlares que se encontraba en la parte trasera del vehculo y es que hallaron el camin y arrestaron al sospechoso, pero de la escultura... no se sabe nada. take vo cesar --quedo captado en camara el dramatico rescate de residentes de un
wait for nats cont.vo/cesar --la niÑa que fue atacada y arrastrada al agua por un len marino est tomandoe de un peligrosa enfermedad bacterial. --y es que la pequeÑa termin con una pequeÑa herida superficial en la parte baja de su cuerpo generada por caer en la boca de ese animal. --segn expertos, la bacteria llamada "micoplasma", causa la enfermedad conocida como "el dedo de la foca". take vo / blanca ---incendio mortal, al menos 3 personas pierden la vida tras quedar...
May 29, 2017
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la guardia costera recupera el cadÁver del marino en el rÍo hudson. matÓ a ocho personas y a varios miembros de su familia y a vecinos de varias casas cercanas en mississippi enfrentarÍa cargos de homicidio. entre las vÍctimas se encuentra un policÍa. los investigadores intentan entender los motivos que tuvo el hombre de 35 aÑos de edad para atacar a su familia y a los demÁs, incluyendo a niÑos. todo parece que fue por un incidente de violencia domÉstica. esto posiblemente le afecte si viaja con frecuencia. computadoras portÁtiles, tarjetas y cualquier dispositivo electrÓnico mayor que un telÉfono celular quedarÍan fuera de todos los vuelos internacionales desde y hacia estados unidos. el departamento de seguridad nacional planear ampliar la previsiÓn que impide viajar con dichos equipos en al menos 50 vuelos diarios en una docena de aeropuertos en medio oriente y todo responde a un incremento de la amenaza terrorista. un paisaje apocalÍptico fue el que dejÓ la furia de fuertes tormentas en varios estados del paÍs en las Últimas horas. rÁfagas de vien
la guardia costera recupera el cadÁver del marino en el rÍo hudson. matÓ a ocho personas y a varios miembros de su familia y a vecinos de varias casas cercanas en mississippi enfrentarÍa cargos de homicidio. entre las vÍctimas se encuentra un policÍa. los investigadores intentan entender los motivos que tuvo el hombre de 35 aÑos de edad para atacar a su familia y a los demÁs, incluyendo a niÑos. todo parece que fue por un incidente de violencia domÉstica. esto posiblemente le afecte...
May 15, 2017
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welcome pete marino, chief public affairs and communications officers for miller coors, one of our long-termnerous partners. thank you. have we're very pleased to with us today miss kellie pickler who will perform in just few minutes. thank you. to havetremely pleased with us again the minority whip of the u.s. house of representatives, steny hoyer. thank you, mr. hoyer. joined by the acting director of the u.s. marshal harlow. david hennie, the national president of the f.o.p. she'llry is with us and be welcoming you to the service in a few minutes. turning now to my far left, these welcome paul irving, sergeant-at-arms from the united states house of representatives. next, it's an honor to have tom acting director for and customstions enforcement. pleased to have acting commissioner for customs and border protection, kevin mcalin tom brandon from a.t.f. with us today. these agencies lost officers in the line of duty in 2016. we're very fortunate to have us tom bossert, assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism, -- what ining us for what they believe is his first
welcome pete marino, chief public affairs and communications officers for miller coors, one of our long-termnerous partners. thank you. have we're very pleased to with us today miss kellie pickler who will perform in just few minutes. thank you. to havetremely pleased with us again the minority whip of the u.s. house of representatives, steny hoyer. thank you, mr. hoyer. joined by the acting director of the u.s. marshal harlow. david hennie, the national president of the f.o.p. she'llry is with...
May 2, 2017
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. >> and i'll be so angry at congressman kelly and congressman marino and all of our congressman in this room if we don't get that damn thing passed quickly. >> reporter: but that was just after he told dickerson he was in no rush. >> take your time, make it perfect. >> reporter: his chief economic adviser delivered another mixed message on cbs this morning. >> we're going to get health care down into the house. we're convinced we have the votes. >> reporter: that came as a surprise to republican leaders here on capitol hill who have not scheduled the vote, and here's why. scott, cbs news has confirmed that at least 20 house republicans at this point would vote no, and the gop can only afford to lose 22. >> and they're leaving town on thursday. nancy cordes on capitol hill for us, thank you. >>> the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. ♪ ♪ five-second rule protection. new lysol kitchen pro eliminates 99.9% of bacteria without any harsh chemical residue. ♪ lysol. what it takes to protect. the following ad for your viewing convenience. i finally switched to geico. oh yeah? ended up sav
. >> and i'll be so angry at congressman kelly and congressman marino and all of our congressman in this room if we don't get that damn thing passed quickly. >> reporter: but that was just after he told dickerson he was in no rush. >> take your time, make it perfect. >> reporter: his chief economic adviser delivered another mixed message on cbs this morning. >> we're going to get health care down into the house. we're convinced we have the votes. >> reporter:...
May 1, 2017
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. >> and i'll be so angry at congressman kelly and congressman marino and all of our congressmen in thism if we don't get that damn thing passed quickly. >> all right. that was from saturday when the was was in harrisburg, pennsylvania. did that make you sweat a little bit? >> not at all, neil. if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. the president is right. he will probably be angry more importantly, most of americans will be angry. >> neil: you said he will be angry. does that mean you're going to vote against this rework? that's what he was referring to. >> no, no, no. i've been on board since day one. >> neil: what were you saying no to? >> am i upset with him being angry? i'm not at all. i'm saying no to a healthcare package that has had a lot of accommodations with this. so pre-existing is one of those things that i have been on since day one. still comes down to the business model of business and how you construct it and what is the state's role in this. the states should have sovereignty and put together what is the best people. >> what if my state says no to coverage
. >> and i'll be so angry at congressman kelly and congressman marino and all of our congressmen in thism if we don't get that damn thing passed quickly. >> all right. that was from saturday when the was was in harrisburg, pennsylvania. did that make you sweat a little bit? >> not at all, neil. if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. the president is right. he will probably be angry more importantly, most of americans will be angry. >> neil: you said he will...
May 21, 2017
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and she proved when she and i got together in don marino in new york's theater district for a "sundays a door. >> laura linney, the daughter of a new york playwright practically drew up on stage. but that doesn't mean she's always comfortable there. i read that you actually still get stage fright. >> oh, sure. >> is that true? >> oh, yeah. the curtain call. the only way to do a curtain call and feel comfortable, this is how i made it work for me. for me, i have to say thank you. it's a bow to say thank you. linney's mother was a nurse and father was a writer of plays who often could be seen toting his curious daughter into theaters. were you at shows all the time? >> i would tag along when i can. sometimes, it was appropriate for me to be there, sometimes, it wasn't. when you're little and you're watching adults understa s unde makes an impression. >> seemingly destined to be an actress. linney studied at the juilliard school in new york. >> there was never a happier understudy than me. a bunch of old jaded understudies. i would show up every day. it was the perfect first job for me.
and she proved when she and i got together in don marino in new york's theater district for a "sundays a door. >> laura linney, the daughter of a new york playwright practically drew up on stage. but that doesn't mean she's always comfortable there. i read that you actually still get stage fright. >> oh, sure. >> is that true? >> oh, yeah. the curtain call. the only way to do a curtain call and feel comfortable, this is how i made it work for me. for me, i have to...
May 1, 2017
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. >> i will be angry at congress member kelly and congress member marino and all of the congress members in the room if we didn't get that damn thing passed quickly. >> reporter: the president reporting falsely the bill covers those with pre-existing conditions. >> pre-existing conditions are in the bill. i mandate it. i said it has to be. we will have lower premiums. >> reporter: reality, the draft bill would allow states to opt out of the requirement under certain conditions. meanwhile, the trump administration is under fire for inviting the philippines leader to the white house. rodrigo duterte has led a crackdown on people. >> whether they are good folks or bad folks or people that we wish would do better in the country. doesn't matter. we have to be on the same page. >> reporter: the white house arguing the u.s. needs philippines to combat the north korean threat. as critics and human rights organizations respond with outrage. the president also raising eyebrows for again questioning if russia is responsible for hacking during the 2016 campaign. >> if you don't catch a hacker, okay,
. >> i will be angry at congress member kelly and congress member marino and all of the congress members in the room if we didn't get that damn thing passed quickly. >> reporter: the president reporting falsely the bill covers those with pre-existing conditions. >> pre-existing conditions are in the bill. i mandate it. i said it has to be. we will have lower premiums. >> reporter: reality, the draft bill would allow states to opt out of the requirement under certain...
May 29, 2017
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temperatures. 50s on the temperatures, upper 40s for a few, novato 51, hillsborough 52. 37 in truckee and in marino thunderstorm popping up briefly . for us we have the system swing in and hear is that spinning atmosphere enhancing the fog. 50s, 60s and 70s on the temperatures with a few near 80 but down 3 to 5 degrees compared to yesterday. overall this pattern will stay here for a while, and i don't see much change but inland temperatures can bump up a few degrees. >> the classic area weather pattern kicking in. >>> memorial day weekend is the unofficial start of summer and today we stay and say goodbye to this winter, and we have some whether that will have people talking for years to come. back on this day in 1953 hedman hillary and his guide climbed the highest point on earth. almost 4500 was have reached that summit since then and there are major risks 292 people have died trying to conquer the mountain including 10 who died this year. >>> final day for the 44th annual sacramento music festival more than 100 active boot including queen nation and high street. it's sponsored by the sacramento
temperatures. 50s on the temperatures, upper 40s for a few, novato 51, hillsborough 52. 37 in truckee and in marino thunderstorm popping up briefly . for us we have the system swing in and hear is that spinning atmosphere enhancing the fog. 50s, 60s and 70s on the temperatures with a few near 80 but down 3 to 5 degrees compared to yesterday. overall this pattern will stay here for a while, and i don't see much change but inland temperatures can bump up a few degrees. >> the classic area...
May 2, 2017
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and i will be so angry at congressman kelly and congressman marino and all of those congressmen in this room if we don't get that damn thing passed quickly. >> sean: that was president trump, vowing to repeal and replace obamacare and hold congress accountable if they do not act quickly. president trump is right. after a botched first attempt to end obama's disastrous health care law, republicans wake up and congress, get your act together. that is tonight's mini monologu monologue. a vote to repeal and replace obamacare could finally come as early as this week. right here on this program, over and over. we promise to you we will hold washington accountable. my message to republican lawmakers is simple. you already failed the american people once. don't do it again. get this right. he promised, now deliver. that means before before they hold a vote hopefully this week -- they have to make sure there is consensus among all groups, to make sure everyone is on the same page. and more importantly, the bill to repeal and replace obamacare, it must work for the american people. it must lower
and i will be so angry at congressman kelly and congressman marino and all of those congressmen in this room if we don't get that damn thing passed quickly. >> sean: that was president trump, vowing to repeal and replace obamacare and hold congress accountable if they do not act quickly. president trump is right. after a botched first attempt to end obama's disastrous health care law, republicans wake up and congress, get your act together. that is tonight's mini monologu monologue. a...
May 1, 2017
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and i'll be so angry at congressman kelly and congressman marino and all of our congressmen in this room don't get that damn thing passed quickly. they'll get it done. we know them. they'll get it done. >> representative mike kelly of pennsylvania so joining me now. he kind of singled you out there. he called you to the carpet, congressman kelly. it sounds like he expects you to pass a bill very soon. can you deliver for the president and when? >> i think that very soon you are going to see a health care piece come out of congress that will come out of the senate. i think we have done as much as we could do with it in the congress but understanding there is 435 that come from unique districts. but the president is pretty good. he's not very good about tolerating failure and i think when he puts that out, he kind of jokes, he means it. it is time to get moving and time to get this done. it's been eight years. >> when will we have a vote? >> i can't tell you exactly because i don't know what the whip count is. my understanding is we are within single digits right now with the accommodation
and i'll be so angry at congressman kelly and congressman marino and all of our congressmen in this room don't get that damn thing passed quickly. they'll get it done. we know them. they'll get it done. >> representative mike kelly of pennsylvania so joining me now. he kind of singled you out there. he called you to the carpet, congressman kelly. it sounds like he expects you to pass a bill very soon. can you deliver for the president and when? >> i think that very soon you are...
May 30, 2017
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eight communities across suffolk, but police say the crime spree ended with the arrests of chris marinond his girlfriend jam why i greco. >> unprecedented amount of police and investigators involved. >> no one was hurt in these robberies. police say morino's weapon turned out to be a bb gun. >> i'm not going to shoot somebody with a bb. i'm not going to hit anybody with a gun. it was just to scare them. >> a lot of times when they goat really startled, i just -- i'm sorry. i'm not trying to hurt nobody. just put the bb gun away. i just need the money, please. i would leave. >> chris morino is housed 15 miles away from his ex-fiance is suffolk's county facility. this is his first time in jail. >> this is where i am, so just being friendly, talking to people. i got along fine. >> they both acknowledge involvement in the robberies. they have entered not guilty pleas on 13 counts each of robbery with a weapon and two counts of attempted robbery. they say their month-long crime spree was fueled by their heroin addictions. >> i can't tell you how much i was using. i really don't remember. all
eight communities across suffolk, but police say the crime spree ended with the arrests of chris marinond his girlfriend jam why i greco. >> unprecedented amount of police and investigators involved. >> no one was hurt in these robberies. police say morino's weapon turned out to be a bb gun. >> i'm not going to shoot somebody with a bb. i'm not going to hit anybody with a gun. it was just to scare them. >> a lot of times when they goat really startled, i just -- i'm...
May 1, 2017
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and i'll be so angry at congressman kelly and congressman marino and all of our congressmen in this room if we don't get that damn thing passed quickly. >> it's fascinating, a republican president on the road name calling republican members of congress. >> i mean, the problem here -- the problem that stems, when he ran as a candidate for president, he didn't put forward a plan, a coherent health care plan. nobody had a health care plan. >> except he put forward things that box in the republicans. because he put forward democratic ideas. he put forward i like this in obamacare, i like that obamacare. that's one of the problems for republican. they're trying to pass their old bill which doesn't fit. >> exactly. so he's blaming them but in fact he never had a coherent -- he didn't seem to understand the policy. he didn't have a coherent policy he ran on. he doesn't have a coherent policy now. so i'm not sure who's fault all of this is. >> what does it say to all republican washington, republican president, republican senate, republican house, they've been campaigning against obamacare while
and i'll be so angry at congressman kelly and congressman marino and all of our congressmen in this room if we don't get that damn thing passed quickly. >> it's fascinating, a republican president on the road name calling republican members of congress. >> i mean, the problem here -- the problem that stems, when he ran as a candidate for president, he didn't put forward a plan, a coherent health care plan. nobody had a health care plan. >> except he put forward things that box...
May 25, 2017
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navegando a travÉs del rÍo para unirse a la celebraciÓn donde asistirÁns muchos oficiales navales, marinosiÉn el concord. >> del pasado volamos al futuro con el mundo de los drones conociendo a travÉs de lady gaga su experiencia al montarse en un dron, esquÍ tu abrimos desde cuÁndo se han utilizado los avio nes notripulados hasta lo que nos depara el futuro, sin lugar a duda el cielo es el lÍmite. >> nos encontramos a bordo de este tremendo buque que ya tiene 49 aÑos, fue construido en 1968 y yo me encuentro bien acompaÑada con ustedes querido seÑores usted es orgullo dominicano nacido en repÚblica dominicana quÉ haces tu en este buque? >> bueno entre en el barco porque querÍa superarme y educarme mÁs visitar diferentes paÍses. >> cuÁntos aÑos tienes trabajando aquÍ? >> 12. >> ¿quÉ es lo que haces en este buque de guerra? >> estoy a cargo del lanzamiento y aterrizaje de todos los aviones, helicÓpteros y es lo que hacemos. >> cÓmo te han sentido en estos Últimos aÑos de tu vida trabajando para las fuerzas armadas para la fuerza naval de estados unidos? >> orgulloso es un placer construir al
navegando a travÉs del rÍo para unirse a la celebraciÓn donde asistirÁns muchos oficiales navales, marinosiÉn el concord. >> del pasado volamos al futuro con el mundo de los drones conociendo a travÉs de lady gaga su experiencia al montarse en un dron, esquÍ tu abrimos desde cuÁndo se han utilizado los avio nes notripulados hasta lo que nos depara el futuro, sin lugar a duda el cielo es el lÍmite. >> nos encontramos a bordo de este tremendo buque que ya tiene 49 aÑos, fue...
May 1, 2017
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and i'll be so angry at congressman kelly and congressman marino and all of our congressmen in this room don't get that damn thing passed quickly. >> one of those men who got called out, representative mike kelly of pennsylvania. nice to have you here. and i should note for our viewers, you support this bill. you support the house health care bill. so, what was your take when the president threatened you? were you like, hey, i'm on your team? >> i just think if you're a member of congress, you're used to people calling you out and people being angry with you. i think it's just part of what we're going through right now, and a lot of it is well deserved. but when the president says, listen, we need to get this done, he means we need to get it done. i don't mind being called out. i'm from the private sector p. if you're not called out, it means no one's looking at you. growing up, you wanted coaches yelling at you because you know they know you're there. >> you wrote in february, "we will make sure that no one struggling with complex medical needs or pre-existing conditions is denied acces
and i'll be so angry at congressman kelly and congressman marino and all of our congressmen in this room don't get that damn thing passed quickly. >> one of those men who got called out, representative mike kelly of pennsylvania. nice to have you here. and i should note for our viewers, you support this bill. you support the house health care bill. so, what was your take when the president threatened you? were you like, hey, i'm on your team? >> i just think if you're a member of...
May 17, 2017
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to chairman marino and ranking member cicilline. as well as their staffs for their cooperative efforts in working with me on this ipartisan legislation. given the time sensitive nature of the temporary judgeships and the by h.r. 2266, immediate need for additional bankruptcy judgeships to be authorized, it is my hope that our colleagues in the senate will expeditiously consider this important legislation. so i urge all of the members here to support this measure. i at this time yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from virginia. mr. goodlatte: mr. speaker, i yield myself the balance of the time. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. goodlatte: permanent bankruptcy judgeship has not been authorized since 1992. over the past 25 years, we have limited our protection of the bankruptcy system to short-term temporary fixes. a well functioning bankruptcy system, however, is too important to our economy to risk. now is the time for congress to
to chairman marino and ranking member cicilline. as well as their staffs for their cooperative efforts in working with me on this ipartisan legislation. given the time sensitive nature of the temporary judgeships and the by h.r. 2266, immediate need for additional bankruptcy judgeships to be authorized, it is my hope that our colleagues in the senate will expeditiously consider this important legislation. so i urge all of the members here to support this measure. i at this time yield back the...
May 24, 2017
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aisle, representatives karen bass, diane black, trent franks, jim langevin, brenda lawrence, and tom marino for their leadership in the foster care caucus. i'm grateful to fellow members who helped advocate for this important cause. let's continue to embrace the spirit that every child matters and continues to work towards providing all our sons and daughters an equal opportunity to lead productive and fulfilling lives. not limited to anything but their hopes, dreams, imagination, and perseverance. all of those supporters of the foster care system, i know firsthand when you see a -- you see your foster children grow to be healthy, successful, independent, and loving adults, you gain a tremendous sense of satisfaction and thankfulness. thank you, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from florida, mr. lawson, for five minutes. thank you, mr. speaker. once again president trump budget calls for extreatment cuts to vital programs that are funded for the nation poor for health care, food stamps, and student loans and disability payments
aisle, representatives karen bass, diane black, trent franks, jim langevin, brenda lawrence, and tom marino for their leadership in the foster care caucus. i'm grateful to fellow members who helped advocate for this important cause. let's continue to embrace the spirit that every child matters and continues to work towards providing all our sons and daughters an equal opportunity to lead productive and fulfilling lives. not limited to anything but their hopes, dreams, imagination, and...
May 1, 2017
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marino of pennsylvania for today. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the request is granted. under the speaker's announced policy of january 3, 2017, the gentlewoman from alabama, mrs. roby, is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the majority leader. mrs. roby: thank you, mr. speaker. before i begin i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous materials on the topic of my special order. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mrs. roby: mr. speaker, i rise today in support of h.r. 1180. this is the working families flexibility act. i would love to take credit for this idea, it is not my own. it is a bill that has been carried by other members. several occasions. i've had the privilege to carry this bill the last few congresses. and i'm excited that we are going to debate this bill tomorrow. and, god willing have a vote on it. the working family flexibility act is an amendment, a simple amendment to the f
marino of pennsylvania for today. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the request is granted. under the speaker's announced policy of january 3, 2017, the gentlewoman from alabama, mrs. roby, is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the majority leader. mrs. roby: thank you, mr. speaker. before i begin i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous materials on the topic of my special...
May 20, 2017
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marino was the case in the northern district of illinois in fact held that warrantless arrest was improperin that instance. it had nothing to do with the rest based on an ministry of boring. that's clear because again, eight usc 1226 clearly says on a warrant issued by the attorney general and an alien may be arrested and detained. ice has a new policy which i mentioned tracy will get into but all of its detainers are now accompanied by administrative words. that remedies any potential problem and that the squarely within eight usc 12.6. thank you. >> okay. thank you. tracy, will turn to you now. >> thank you, karen. like to thank the section on civil rights for giving me the opportunity to speak your today, as well as the press club posting this and my distinguished panel members and thank you, karen for moderating this very important topic. let me first say that since its creation in the aftermath of the 911 terrorist attacks the mission of the department of homeland security has been to prevent terrorism and to ensure the safety and security of americans in the homeland. now, as a compo
marino was the case in the northern district of illinois in fact held that warrantless arrest was improperin that instance. it had nothing to do with the rest based on an ministry of boring. that's clear because again, eight usc 1226 clearly says on a warrant issued by the attorney general and an alien may be arrested and detained. ice has a new policy which i mentioned tracy will get into but all of its detainers are now accompanied by administrative words. that remedies any potential problem...
May 8, 2017
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rescatan una ballena azul, marinos, pescadores y voluntarios unieron fuerzas para auxiliar al cetaceoleÓn algo del universo estÁ preparando para ti maravilloso. virgo el que reparte comparte siempre recibe la mejor parte comparte la ab sa bi sabidurÍa. >>> libra te sientes mejor. escorpiÓn, la paciencia es una virtud prepÁrate para que toda esta semana vaya suave y nuevos comienzos viene para ti. sagitario algo nuevo con el amor una decisiÓn importante en la vida. capricornio el Éxito serÁ algo importante para ustedes prepÁrense para caminar esta pasarela. acuario rompiendo la barreras terminamos con piscis aunque tenemos que tomarlo con calma, cuidado con la flojera y la pereza, como siempre les digo yo les recuerdo que tÚ eres el dueÑo absoluto del universo. nos vamos con la bella dueÑa de toda la informaciÓn de las redes sociales que es mi querida erica y me lo dijo un pajarito. ( ♪ mÚsica♪) >>> muchÍsimas gracias mario. bueno voy a tener bien presente eso del Éxito esta semana para capricornio. veremos lo que sucede en las redes sociales, y voy hablar de beyoncÉ que se encuentra e
rescatan una ballena azul, marinos, pescadores y voluntarios unieron fuerzas para auxiliar al cetaceoleÓn algo del universo estÁ preparando para ti maravilloso. virgo el que reparte comparte siempre recibe la mejor parte comparte la ab sa bi sabidurÍa. >>> libra te sientes mejor. escorpiÓn, la paciencia es una virtud prepÁrate para que toda esta semana vaya suave y nuevos comienzos viene para ti. sagitario algo nuevo con el amor una decisiÓn importante en la vida. capricornio el...
May 23, 2017
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. >>> te salva porque estÁ el lobo marino lejos >>> dale >>> desarrollate amiga ve es tu oportunidad los resultados son geniales. pruébalo y creerás suave professionals. pon tu confianza en la prueba, no en el precio. ¡muchas gracias por traerla! crest presenta !no entiendo cómo no usan crest! y siguen usando la pasta de... ...la abuela. ahí me di cuenta que necesitaba probar crest. crest, la marca número uno de pasta de dientes en... ...estados unidos, ¡pruébala! uno...dos...tres... estornudar cuanto más sufres alergias, más cosas te pierdes. zyrtec® comienza a funcionar poderosamente desde la primera hora y es el doble de poderoso si tomas otro al día siguiente. zyrtec®, deja de sufrir alergias. estas aves que fueron ahora regresan a casa, gracias a dawn. los rescatistas solo confían en dawn, porque es fuerte contra la grasa pero suave. [rdejaste tu billetera en tusme otros pantalones... [cliente] ¡sí, y necesito dinero ya! no puedo llegar tarde al juego... [representante bancario] ¡no hay problema! puedes usar tu app de wells fargo para retirar dinero de nuestros cajeros automátic
. >>> te salva porque estÁ el lobo marino lejos >>> dale >>> desarrollate amiga ve es tu oportunidad los resultados son geniales. pruébalo y creerás suave professionals. pon tu confianza en la prueba, no en el precio. ¡muchas gracias por traerla! crest presenta !no entiendo cómo no usan crest! y siguen usando la pasta de... ...la abuela. ahí me di cuenta que necesitaba probar crest. crest, la marca número uno de pasta de dientes en... ...estados unidos,...
May 22, 2017
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. >>> esto es impresionante, miren ustedes no mÁs escalofrite fue este momento que un leÓn marino saltÓllegÓ el momento de conocer al ganador o la ganadora del asador o parrilla de nuestro sorteo conectate y gana del 19. >>> bravo (aplausos) >>> cuidado erica por ahÍ viene algo. (risas) >>> del 19 de mayo sujeto a verificaciÓn es, es marÍa elsa padilla de miami florida >>> bravo (aplausos) >>> quÉ rico. >>> para participar quÉ tiene que hacer entre a la pÁgina telemundo.com/gana y llenas la informaciÓn y pone la palabra del dÍa y recuerda podrÁs si ganarte una de 20 parrillas. suerte, y mÁs adelante les estaremos dando por supuesto esa palabra clave. vamos a la pausa en seguida desplante al vice presidente, decenas de estudiantes entre ellos varios hispanos dejaron hablando solo a mike pence. tambiÉn se robÓ la noche la cantante cher sorprende a todos en los premios billboard esto y mucho mÁs aquÍ en "un nuevo dia" que comienza contigo. ( ♪ mÚsica♪) ♪ ¿mami? hola mi amor. clorox, lo que tu hogar merece. mi único maquillaje, detrástrue match.. solo true match tiene la tecnología de l'oré
. >>> esto es impresionante, miren ustedes no mÁs escalofrite fue este momento que un leÓn marino saltÓllegÓ el momento de conocer al ganador o la ganadora del asador o parrilla de nuestro sorteo conectate y gana del 19. >>> bravo (aplausos) >>> cuidado erica por ahÍ viene algo. (risas) >>> del 19 de mayo sujeto a verificaciÓn es, es marÍa elsa padilla de miami florida >>> bravo (aplausos) >>> quÉ rico. >>> para participar...
May 18, 2017
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lourdes: piensas que marino fue sincera? poncho: pienso que fue sincera.usan un tamaño incorrecto de toallas femeninas y tienen derrames. prueba always my fit encuentra el número ideal para tu flujo y talla de ropa interior en cualquier paquete always. si la talla es mejor, la protección es mejor. always. [s[representante bancario] porr supuesto, sr. robinson. [sr. robinson] transferencias, pagos... ¿todo suena mejor en español, no? [representante bancario] ¡pero qúe bien lo habla! [esposa] hasta cambió su app de wells fargo para recibir algunas alertas por teléfono móvil en español. así practica y está al tanto de sus cuentas. [representante bancario] ¡qué bien! ¿y en qué más les puedo ayudar hoy? [esposa] quisiéramos abrir una cuenta conjunta. [sr. robinson] sí, una cuenta eléctrica... [representante bancario] ¿eléctrica? [esposa] corriente, quisiéramos abrir una cuenta de cheques. [representante bancario] con mucho gusto sra. robinson. ♪ >> le enviamos un gran saludo de impacto. nacen enfermos con insuficiencia renal crÓnica y podrÍa morir por falta de
lourdes: piensas que marino fue sincera? poncho: pienso que fue sincera.usan un tamaño incorrecto de toallas femeninas y tienen derrames. prueba always my fit encuentra el número ideal para tu flujo y talla de ropa interior en cualquier paquete always. si la talla es mejor, la protección es mejor. always. [s[representante bancario] porr supuesto, sr. robinson. [sr. robinson] transferencias, pagos... ¿todo suena mejor en español, no? [representante bancario] ¡pero qúe bien lo habla!...
May 15, 2017
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>> well, i think look, the dolphins have a rich history going back to don shula and dan marino and the. i think the marlins is tricky, right, because there's maybe a distrust from the fans. so whoever comes in i think you have two or three year goodwill, you're able to come in, set your team, set your infrastructure, get a tv deal which is not good. get a radio deal that is not good. and if you just look at the radio deal and tv deals between dodgers and compare them to the marlins that right there, you can figure out that problem, that's a good step. >> that's also insurmountable problem. with the audience it's not that big. the question is whether the contracts, the tv contracts continue or drive than driving the value. >> right. >> of all these sports franchises and whether they continue to sky rocket, and whether these companies these channels that have taken sports, will they dominate, will they have the capital to keep paying ever more for these events? not just true of baseball, true of the olympics and other events that have sort of been disaggregated now. there's so many optio
>> well, i think look, the dolphins have a rich history going back to don shula and dan marino and the. i think the marlins is tricky, right, because there's maybe a distrust from the fans. so whoever comes in i think you have two or three year goodwill, you're able to come in, set your team, set your infrastructure, get a tv deal which is not good. get a radio deal that is not good. and if you just look at the radio deal and tv deals between dodgers and compare them to the marlins that...