if you talk to patients who used marinol, they will say nice try but it is not as effective.u inhale marijuana. >> aaron you're the group responsible, partly responsible for putting that ad out looking to make marijuana legal for all purposes, not just medicinal. why now? why are you starting this in the state of california? >> well, the state of california is a logical place to start because it has a crippling budget deficit facing that state right now. additionally california was the first in the nation to make medical marijuana available for seriously ill patients. additionally, california could make -- run a billion dollars in tax dollars from legalizing it, taxing and regulating marijuana like alcohol. but more importantly and more broadly across the board, marijuana is the nation's largest cash crop valued at $36 billion a year, bigger than corn and meat combined. and partially because of that the mexican drug cartels which have gotten such notoriety recently actually make 70% of their profits from marijuana sales alone. which is a remarkable figure. staggering. they're