mario armstrong is "today's" digital lifestyle expert. 2:00 a.m., e-mails at 3:00 a.m. >> is that too snuch i thought we could do that. >> i'm always on the help desk. >> in all seriousness give us a basic 101, what is the cloud? >> in a nutshell, this is the ability to have your photos, your video, your files stored in the internet basically at a different facility. think about it like your storage bin. if you have furniture and you want to move it, you put in a storage bin in a physical place. >> instead of being stored only on your hard drive or an external hard drive, it's stored on the server somewhere else. >> somewhere else. >> now we know where it's going. what should be going? what should i be using the cloud for? >> the easiest way to deal with this is what do you want to have access to all the time? there's two reasons to have the cloud. one, to back up your data, two to be able to get access to it on any device. that's the whole purpose. as long as i can get to the internet on my phone, my tablet, my laptop, i can get to my da