he said i am mario marino, one of the nobelists in the depletion story.oth started talking about climate change, and agreed, what a pity there weren't just six firms in the world in bidding carbon dioxide that could easily be encouraged not to do so. the ozone problem was so much easier. another reason for letting the disastrous future steel up on us is the division of science itself into numerous unconnected specialties. climate science is almost wholly concerned with atmospheric physics and chemistry. the leading part of the earth, the natural ecosystems of the forests, the tundra and so on, are almost wholly in the process of biology, these two great divisions of science don't speak the same language. this has led to the deplorable separation of the assessment of the earth between two different international bodies, one dealing with physical science and the other with the biology, the millennium ecology assessment commission. the earth itself, of course, is not divided. as long as we treat it as two separate entities, the g is fear, and the biosphere f