second, what an incredible battle they had, you can't even see third, it looks like it might be mario mola. molaour money down, mario has run himself into third, it may in fact be the fastest run of the day. mola will cross the line about connixnds behind, and will finish in a fourth. i know this was a good race for me, and just before the race, my coach says that he knows i really care and to just let me go. was a very good race and everybody in the group was working. in the run, i didn't really have a great day, so i just hung on and i wasn't feeling great and i knew this time i wasn't really fast and i up andut i couldn't keep then he just passed me in the end. but it is all right, second place for the series is good, but it is not my best, but i still managed to get a good result. tough i was in a position, but you've got to believe, i have been training for the last couple of weeks. i gave it everything i had today. very happy and i'm with that. yes, hopefully next time, we start running earlier to get in front. host: that jaw-dropping final 300 meters saw vincent luis pass javier gom