is that they will sign this economic uh, extraction agreement. clearly this is what mike wall to mario rubio said, well that the, the ukrainians have now come round and we're going to sign this agreement. the problem um is of course, that's um, you know, way where, where do you go from there? you know, trump, when he 1st announces or in his a sense of the a, a cruise, but declaring that, oh, we're going to email. i'm ross, she's pounding ukraine. and we're going to impose sanctions and tires. and then 2 hours later, he has a news conference um its the oval office and he says, one of the things is that things are going well. you know what i'm getting on very well with the russians. they seem very agreeable. and in fact, i'm having difficulties with the ukrainians. so and then on, on the issue what he was asked repeatedly about. but what about this pounding you, you were complaining earlier by the pounding ukraine there while a. yeah, that was all, you know, any, anybody would do the same thing in their shoes. so the question that is, okay, so at least sign this economic extraction rianne and