mario savio: and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers. terence: it was this great university that just rose up and kind of organized on its own and became a spokesman for the whole country. willie brown: there was a core of young folk who really wanted to make democracy work in america. peter: bettina grew up the child of communist parents and was a communist herself. still, she was eager to lead the fight for free speech. bettina: you don't protest that which you don't care about. it generates a passion. peter: one year after the first free speech protests started, the university and protesters reached an agreement which ended the demonstrations. protesters in the bay area had a 5-year winning streak. every confrontation, the hoses at city hall, the arrests at the palace hotel, the stand-off in berkeley all ended with the establishment changing its practices. watching it all, nearly 25 million teenagers. it was now 1965. the first baby boomers were now just old enough to leave home. ♪ ♪ ♪ it took tim morehouse years to master the perfect