it was fantastic. >> marion cotillard says she had to work quite hard on suppressing her french accentu mainly work with belgian actors. the fact she is french -- did that make you hesitate in casting her? >> no, no. we asked marion to get rid of her french accent to have a more neutral accent. there was no reason why the main character in our film should have a parisian accent when the others do not. and all the more reason when you consider where we based it. >> your new film has been selected for the official competition at cannes, so congratulations. you now have the opportunity to go for a record third palme d'or. pressure, or do you feel confident knowing you have already won a great many prizes here at the cannes film festival? >> we are happy the film is in competition. we would be even happier if the critics liked the film, and the public take the film into their hearts. but for the rest, the jury decides. it is only in movies that you bribe and killed three members. in reality, that does not happen. >> tell us how did it feel when you won your first palme d'or for "rosetta" i