marion massey, she's the founder of the group practicing physicians of america. dr. massey. we've heard stories from parents so desperate to feed their babies that they're watering down formula to make it last longer. isn't this dangerous? oh. c yes, please, please, please do not want her down that formula. you know, i think back to my training in chicago at robert lorry children's hospital, we would have, especially in the, in the summer, it routinely, we would have children that would come in. the mothers had been watering down formula to save pennies back then there was no shortage. and what happens is the baby's sodium, the salt in the baby's bloodstream, plummets goes down. and when the sodium plummets to a dangerous level, the baby will present with a seizure, and you can actually in really severe cases, do some damage to your brain. oh, it can for your new baby's brain. i mean, it's like heartbreaking when you see that happen, like so a seizing infant or newborn that comes in these little babies like children under the age of 6 months, especially are not able to toler