marisa tellez is visiting one of the larger crocoles being tendnded to by herer organizat.pts a a pet,nd is s notoo tame to ever be returned to th wild. maririsa: come. stst. gogo, stay, gillie. reporter: ririsa usea fefew basic commmmands for the purpoe of training,g, and gaining gigilley's respepect. maririsa: target. . there we . good, targrget. repoporter: even i if giey sees rerelatively hararmless, maria says c crocodiles bebelong ine wild. and many of the spimimens sh seeses need help t to survive t. maririsa: this is s where educn is s so important,t, because educatioprprovideshe knledge, the knowledge to be able to coxistst wh thesee animals. because we c can co-exist t wh these animals. indigenousus cultus hahave bn co-existing g with these animas fofor thousands s and thousand years.s. ♪ host: ththat's it for this wee. but do tune in next time. ifou have any thoughts about the show, please get in touch. just send an email to or visit our facebook page, dw women. see you soon. ♪ [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which i