calculate the opportunities you've missed but but in this case, you know, i was at yahoo news marissa mayer explicitly said, you know, she felt humiliated by this piece that had been, you know warmly welcomed by readers of yahoo news. in fact, i was given a lifetime family past to the creationism museum, but yeah, but the left labeled me hashtag worse than isis at least that was one of the criticisms and and this was in the heyday of the, you know, especially robust atheists, including you know, sam harris and and the awesome's crowd and and that was bruising on the other hand and sam. that's terrible that you're you know, these threats going kinetic that your office was vandalized. i haven't actually had threats go kinetic, although the ones inspired by tucker carlson, you know the endless stream of death threats that i still get that are just so terrifying that you know, i mean terrifying sounding so cord is all producing that i i have called the police and the fbi about those but nothing is ever turned into actual bodily or harm to property so that's terrible to hear that. but yeah, i me