host: one comment from might listening from marisyland. "they will pass the higher cost to consumers." jay has a less call from charlotte, north carolina. caller: mr. congressman, the figures that washington uses is really not fair. you say the unemployment rate is 9%, and really in reality is not take into account people that are underemployed or their unemployment has run out. the congressional budget office and the white house, they are trying to manipulate figures to hide the truth, the reality of the way things really are. you need more money, washington needs more money, a tax increase, to say carbon dioxide is a pollutant is a joke. just come out and say we need more money. guest: let me say to this debt, and again, there is not a penny of tax in this -- let me say to this gentlemen, again, there is not a penny of tax in this legislation. it is a pretty independent office, and the analysis that issues is not done for the partisan advantage of either political party. as steve was indicating a moment ago, the congressional budget offi